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    c h o o s e 
    y o u r
    g l a z e  c o l o u r

    With 55+ unique glaze colours, two surface finishes (Smooth & Earth Clay) and 180+ shapes to choose from, the possibilities with our Dinnerware are pretty much endless.

    And they’re strong as well as beautiful — durable handmade ceramics that go from microwave to table to dishwasher and back again, in colours ranging from pearly neutrals to mood-lifting brights.

    a l c h e m i c a l  m a g i c

    It took a year of research and many hours of firing and experimentation and a bunch of headaches to develop the specialised application for our limited-edition  J-Range.


    The results are pure alchemical magic.

    Extraordinary glazes, sensual designs, touch-me textures, rich natural inspiration… you’ll find these unique pieces in award-winning restaurants around the world and right back home in South Africa on the tables

    of some of our favourite chefs, hoteliers, and clients. 


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